A tiered approach to funding and doctor retention. 

Municipality of Marmora and Lake Incentive Program includes:

  1. $0 monthly clinic rental/lease cost

  2. $0 monthly clinic utility costs: heat, hydro, water, sewer, etc.
    (approximate value/savings of $20k annually in total clinic building costs)

  3. Fully equipped exam rooms

  4. EMR installed and operational (Telus Health Practice Solutions)

  5. Riverfront Living accommodations at $0
    (approximate value/savings of  $18k annually)

  6. Onsite Phlebotomy funded by Marmora and Lake
    (approximate individual physician value/savings of $10k annually)

  7. Annual payment of $20,000 for 5 years from the municipality

Total Annual Community Incentive in Value/Savings: $68k  
Total 5 year Community Incentive in Value/Savings: $340k

Additional technology & services on-site:

  1. Tablet use for patient custom form response and chart integration

  2. Appointment call reminder service

  3. Wifi access throughout the main clinic

  4. Managed IT services & support available through existing group contract with Vision9

  5. Opportunity to benefit from splitting shared administrative/clinical staff costs with current physicians

  6. Option to join current providers in using “HealthMyself/Pomelo Health” Patient Portals, integrated directly with the Telus PS Suite EMR to enhance patient access and clinical flow. It allows patients to book online, complete e-forms in advance, broadcast mass clinic emails, and exchange secures direct messaging.

Hastings County Family Medicine Incentive Program:

$100,000 Return of Service Agreement (5 Years)

Provincial Incentive Programs include:

  1. Rural Family Medicine Locum Program approved.

  2. Guaranteed* FHO position (*confirmed with Health Force Ontario)

  3. Northern and Rural Recruitment and Retention Initiative

  4. HealthForceOntario Northern and Rural Recruitment and Retention Initiative Guidelines (Learn more)

Get online application here. Get additional forms here.